Category Archives: Information Security

Free webinars on CyberSecurity for Small & Medium Businesses

Two years ago, Apalala has been selected by the Belgian Center for CyberSecurity to help create a set of webinars for Small & Medium Businesses. The goal was to educate Belgian entrepreneurs with the basic knowledge required to protect their business.

After a few difficulties, some delays and a new federal government in construction, the webinars have been officially published a few days ago.

You can find them in French here: or in Dutch here:

One of the video in French
One of the video in Dutch

Some of the scenarios on the cyber threats haven’t been published but we will probably propose them in another format soon. Keep in touch!

The impact of cyber crime on Belgian Businesses

In 2017, the Belgian Cost of Cybercrime Project (KUL) published the results of an enlightening study aiming to measure the impact of cybercrime, and more broadly, cyber attacks, on Belgian businesses.

We can highlight two results from this paper: First, most businesses have been hit by one form or another of cyberattack, some even more than once a year. So, the likelihood of being hit is quite high.

Second, the average cost per incident is relatively low, with most falling below 500 euros, though some exceeding 10.000 euros. It certainly depends on the type of business you run and the size of your organization. That is, SMEs should not have to spend a fortune on security measures.

You can find the report here:

Are you prepared to face a TDOS?

Recently, DHS (US Department of Homeland Security) announced they are developing with private partners a solution to mitigate Telephony Denial of Services (TDOS) against emergency numbers and other critical phone numbers.

For the past years TDOS attacks seems to have flourish in the US. They are often used to claim a ransom to the targeted number owner.

If you have already made a Business Impact Analysis on your telephony system, your probably know how much one day of downtime might cost you. You probably have some solutions in place but, do they protect you against a TDOS?

Don’t forget to add TDOS to your list of threats if it is relevant for your business.

Further readings: