Category Archives: Videos

Video resources on Cyber Security Awareness

Here are a list of resources on which you can find videos on different cybersecurity topics:




Free webinars on CyberSecurity for Small & Medium Businesses

Two years ago, Apalala has been selected by the Belgian Center for CyberSecurity to help create a set of webinars for Small & Medium Businesses. The goal was to educate Belgian entrepreneurs with the basic knowledge required to protect their business.

After a few difficulties, some delays and a new federal government in construction, the webinars have been officially published a few days ago.

You can find them in French here: or in Dutch here:

One of the video in French
One of the video in Dutch

Some of the scenarios on the cyber threats haven’t been published but we will probably propose them in another format soon. Keep in touch!

Altruism is contagious and might bring you happiness

Many studies clearly indicates that altruism is a key element of happiness. Many enterprises have understood this and have create corporate social responsability programs to support altruistic actions. If you should had the chance to win at the lottery, you’ll had better chances to be happy if you spend your money for others than yourself. Being empathic is a key factor of social success. In fact, taking care of each other is most likely to be deeply anchored in our nature. We are basicaly good people, we just need to let it be more often. And, best of all, it might be contagious.

We should continue to foster selflessness and good actions in our private as well as in our work life. Caring for people around us makes our lafes happier.

I found this beautiful video on YouTube. It is not clear if it is the official videoclip for the music of Noah & The Wale “Give a little love” but the music fit perfectly to the video and it is very inspirationnal.
