After, Google knows what you did last summer, this summer, we will give you a little hint to discover (and it migh be creepy) all the things you said to your androïd phone or to your Google search (sometimes just by hitting the wrong button or by saying “OK Google”).
Yes, Googles likes to keep everything and also to share it with you (in case you would like to remeber all those stuff). You just have to go to My Activity on Google ( to have te complete list of things you said to your phone (search this, call Bob, launch this application) and all the things that were heard by your microphone at the same time.
Privacy? At least now you know (a bit more about the cost of using free tools).
By the way, some hackers are using this function to hack your phone by including sounds in YouTube videos that will trigger the voice recognition function without being perceived as a command by a human. If you found something stange in the list, you’ll know.
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